Shakarooth in the Summer!
During the summer join us for “Shakarooth in the Summer”.
This daytime event, that runs 1:30-4:30 p.m., takes place instead of our Wednesday evening service and usually includes a time of disc-golf and fellowshipping at area disc-golf courses or ga-ga ball, spike-ball, soccer, or ultimate frisbee in the fields at IBC.
This time is alway concluded with a Bible Study where Pastor Chris engages the students with God’s Word and how it can apply to their daily lives.
We love this time of fellowship and building relationships with our students.
Be sure to sign up for Shakarooth’s Remind Text Group so that you never miss an update to the schedule, as it fluctuates weekly and is sometimes skipped due to weather, church-camp, mission trips, etc.
This daytime event, that runs 1:30-4:30 p.m., takes place instead of our Wednesday evening service and usually includes a time of disc-golf and fellowshipping at area disc-golf courses or ga-ga ball, spike-ball, soccer, or ultimate frisbee in the fields at IBC.
This time is alway concluded with a Bible Study where Pastor Chris engages the students with God’s Word and how it can apply to their daily lives.
We love this time of fellowship and building relationships with our students.
Be sure to sign up for Shakarooth’s Remind Text Group so that you never miss an update to the schedule, as it fluctuates weekly and is sometimes skipped due to weather, church-camp, mission trips, etc.