Women's Ministry at IBC GO Center
This is a group for all ages and stages of a woman's life and is directed by a wonderful team of ladies. The IBC GO Center Women's Ministry has 3 main goals:
Immanuel believes to grow you must be surrounded by others with like goals. Together through Bible study, service projects, and fellowship we will grow to be more like Christ and reach the world with the Gospel.
Too many times we as believers spend too much time learning about serving and very little time actually serving. The IBC Women's Ministry has ongoing service projects throughout the year as an opportunity to grow through giving back and sharing the love of Christ with people in our community.
The Women of IBC believe that walking through life with one another plays a key role in discipleship and accountability. There are several events throughout the year that are fun and relaxing where we share a short devotional and spend time talking with one another about life.
For a list of upcoming women's events please contact the Church Office.
Immanuel believes to grow you must be surrounded by others with like goals. Together through Bible study, service projects, and fellowship we will grow to be more like Christ and reach the world with the Gospel.
Too many times we as believers spend too much time learning about serving and very little time actually serving. The IBC Women's Ministry has ongoing service projects throughout the year as an opportunity to grow through giving back and sharing the love of Christ with people in our community.
The Women of IBC believe that walking through life with one another plays a key role in discipleship and accountability. There are several events throughout the year that are fun and relaxing where we share a short devotional and spend time talking with one another about life.
For a list of upcoming women's events please contact the Church Office.