
Population:  10.4% Evangelical

Though Christianity is the top religion in Panama, that is only due to the Catholicisms heavy presence. Catholics comprise 80.6% of the countries residents while only 10.4% claim evangelical.  Evangelical Christians are becoming more prominent in society. The Country of Panama is made up of many people groups across many provinces. IBC has focused their Panama missions ministry in on the Ngobe-Bugle people group.

Religious  and Cultural Landscape:
The Ngobe-Bugle people have a variety of religious beliefs, but perhaps most concerning is the amount of cultic activity. Jehovah’s witnesses, mormons, and general animistic beliefs are prevalent. They also have a unique cult called “mama tada,” where a Ngobe prophetess claims to have been visited by Mary and Jesus and was given many instructions on how they are to follow God. Seven Ngobe people were recently murdered by a cult in Panama called New Light of God where they were beaten to death with Bibles and machetes in order to force conversion.

Prayer Points
-Pray for the Pastors we have worked with: Pastor Geronimo (Ciriqui) and Pastor Rubio (Bocas Del Toro).
-Pray that Go In The Name Missions continues to build a network of Bible believing pastors as they develop strategy to reach all of Panama.
-Pray that the cults would be met with resistance.